Saturday, June 15, 2024

Late Oakland Howard Terminal EIFD Plan Includes $2.5 Billion Subsidy - ATLNews

Late Oakland Howard Terminal EIFD Plan Includes $2.5 Billion Subsidy A draft report Zennie62Media found in the database of The Athletic Online Sports Publication and dated April 2023, reported that the City of Oakland had a plan for a $2.5 billion subsidy for the Howard Terminal Ballpark Project. The report is far different from the original document presented to the County of Alameda and which presented a $400 million tax increment financing subsidy. Both reports were prepared by Century Urban, the consultant to the City of Oakland. In 2021, Zennie62Media blasted the initial report as incorrect and understating the potential tax increment revenue. Neither the City of Oakland nor the consultant directly answered questions from Zennie62Media. But then Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf told this blogger, Zennie Abraham, Zennie62Media CEO that the City did not have the staff to do the redevelopment work done before the original law was eliminated in 2011. This blogger pushed back on that questioning why Mayor Schaaf had consultants plan and then worked with Oakland A’s President Dave Kaval on an idea that was originally from this blogger to do a tax increment financing zone at Howard Terminal. The City never addressed that question. But it’s clear the City of Oakland had Century Urban redo the work after Zennie62Media issued a number of scathing vlogs and articles on the subject that included detailed spreadsheets and calculations. But all of this was obviously too late for the Oakland A’s timetable. They already decided to move to Las Vegas in November of 2021. Stay tuned for updates.
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