Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Harold Lowe’s Oakland City Council District 2 Signature Event At Leaning Tower Of Pizza 8-11 3PM-4PM


Harold Lowe’s Oakland City Council District 2 Signature Event At Leaning Tower Of Pizza 8-11 3PM-4PM

Harold Lowe’s Oakland City Council District 2 Signature Event At Leaning Tower Of Pizza 8-11 3PM-4PM
Harold Lowe’s Oakland City Council District 2 Signature Event At Leaning Tower Of Pizza 8-11 3PM-4PM Harold Lowe is holding a party at Leaning Tower of Pizza 3 PM to 4 PM at 498 Wesley Ave, Oakland, just off Brooklyn Avenue near Newton, Avenue. He needs 100 good signatures by Friday of this week and got started, well, this week. Harold Lowe is operating on CP Time so I am adding my little contribution to his effort. His campaign folks think he’s the only one running against Nikki Fortunado Bas, but Derrick Johnson told me he plans to make a run. Now Derrick is also running for Mayor of Oakland, so if he does not switch over, then it’s even more of a possibility that Harold was pushed to do this by Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. Some believe that’s why Lowe jumped in late, anyway. Stay tuned.
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Harold Lowe’s "CP Time" Run For Oakland City Council District 2 Has Friday 5 PM Deadline


Talking Taj Tashombe Oakland A’s Howard Terminal With Michael Dotterer On His On The Dot Show

Talking Taj Tashombe Oakland A’s Howard Terminal With Michael Dotterer On His On The Dot Show
Talking Taj Tashombe Oakland A’s Howard Terminal With Michael Dotterer On His On The Dot Show A Zennie62 Oakland News Now YouTube vlog SUBSCRIBE TO ZENNIE62 YOUTUBE HERE:
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Harold Lowe’s "CP Time" Run For Oakland City Council District 2 Has Friday 5 PM Deadline

Harold Lowe’s "CP Time" Run For Oakland City Council District 2 Has Friday 5 PM Deadline
Harold Lowe’s "CP Time" Run For Oakland City Council District 2 Has Friday 5 PM Deadline Harold Lowe, a locally-well-known Oaklander who's Lowe Consulting has reportedly had Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf as one of his clients, has embarked on a last-minute rush to run for the Oakland City Council District 2 Seat held by Nikki Fortunado Bas that, to some, has the look of a political gaming effort. How else to explain a campaign that started just this week, days before the signature and filing deadline? There are some who believe that Mayor Schaaf pushed Lowe to run against Bas because she's seen by some as vulnerable. (A point of view I do not hold because too many people have underestimated Councilmember Bas.). Anyway, Lowe's campaign crew started the effort August 9th and as i write this it's Wednesday, August 10th. On one of the Oakland neighborhood listservs a woman named Leeann Alameda wrote this: Hello everyone, I'm excited to announce that Harold Lowe is running for D2 against CP Bas! He is the only person running against Bas. Harold brings a pragmatic point of view to Oakland's problems, he knows this community well and the issues we face, and he will speak up for sensible policies and approaches. I am attaching his FAQ sheet with more information. Harold needs to gather 100 D2 resident signatures by Friday to be on the ballot. If you want to sign the form, there are a couple of opportunities: Harold will be at Leaning Tower of Pizza, 8/10, 1 - 2 pm. Stop by during that time to say hello and sign. Follow-up: Harold will be back at Leaning Tower of Pizza on Thursday, 8/11, 3-4 pm to gather more signatures and chat with voters. Can Harold Lowe Make The Deadline? Harold Lowe not only has to gain 100 signatures - and good ones - and get them to the Oakland City Clerk's Office by Friday at 5 PM, he has to pay $1,000. Now the good news is if he can't afford the money, the Oakland City Clerk's Office will spread out the payments for him. But, to be rather jocular about it, Harold Lowe is running on ""CP Time" - that's the term used to describe how us black folks are always running late, Zennie62 Oakland News Now YouTube vlog SUBSCRIBE TO ZENNIE62 YOUTUBE HERE:
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屋崙華埠商會將於2022 年8 月 20 日星期六和8 月 21 日星期日,在屋崙華埠第 9 街夾富蘭克林街舉辦第三十三屆屋崙華埠夏季擺街會。為期兩天的活動將從上午 10 點到下午 5 點免費向公眾開放。屆時將吸引灣區各地市民遊客前來品嚐亞洲風味,體驗屋崙華埠精心保存的傳統。加入我們, 支持本地商家, 盡情體驗由兩個舞台的精彩表演、娛樂藝術和美味小吃帶給您的無限歡樂!
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Talking Taj Tashombe Oakland A’s Howard Terminal With Michael Dotterer On His On The Dot Show


Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Las Vegas Raiders Assistant Defense Coach Rob Ryan Shows Passion In Practice By Eric Pangilinan

Las Vegas Raiders Assistant Defense Coach Rob Ryan Shows Passion In Practice By Eric Pangilinan
Las Vegas Raiders Assistant Defense Coach Rob Ryan Shows Passion In Practice By Eric Pangilinan
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To Trash Night Heron: A Vlog On The Need To Get Taj Tashombe’s Oakland A’s Job Back

To Trash Night Heron: A Vlog On The Need To Get Taj Tashombe’s Oakland A’s Job Back
To Trash Night Heron: A Vlog On The Need To Get Taj Tashombe’s Oakland A’s Job Back
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Mike Jacob PMSA Lawyer Talks Taj Tashombe Fired By Oakland Athletics And Howard Terminal

Mike Jacob PMSA Lawyer Talks Taj Tashombe Fired By Oakland Athletics And Howard Terminal
This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio
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